Round #1 - Pool
Round Seeding
Seed Name Class./Rank Club(s) Status
1 Tasker, Nikhil BC 
2 Hammarberg, Bryn DUKE 
3 French, Dylan ND 
4 Ghazaleh, Connor DUKE 
5 Mooney, MacGregor BC 
6 Henkels, Jacob UNC 
7 Gopman-Slonim, Mike UNC 
8 Simmons, Ariel ND 
9 Nollner, Dakota DUKE 
10 Shlimak, Matt UNC 
11 Ferrente, Thom BC 
12 McGinnis, Aidan DUKE 
13 Anderson, Brendon BC 
14 Xu, Jason UNC 
15 Zacharakis, Darius ND 
16 Zeller, Zachary ND 
Round Scores
Pool #1
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 V V/M TS TR Ind
Tasker, Nikhil
1 D0 V5 D3 D2 D4 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 D3 D3 V5 D4 7 0.50 54 51 +3
Ferrente, Thom
2 V5 V5 V5 D2 D3 V5 D4 D4 D2 D2 D2 D2 D1 D1 4 0.29 43 60 -17
Anderson, Brendon
3 D3 D4 V5 D3 D4 D4 D4 D3 D3 V5 D3 D4 D4 D3 2 0.14 52 65 -13
Mooney, MacGregor
4 V5 D3 D2 D4 V5 V5 D3 V5 D4 V5 D4 V5 D2 D3 6 0.43 55 55 0
Hammarberg, Bryn
5 V5 V5 V5 V5 D4 V5 V5 D4 V5 V5 V5 D4 V5 V5 11 0.79 67 50 +17
McGinnis, Aidan
6 V5 V5 V5 D2 V5 V5 D3 D1 V5 D2 D4 D4 D1 V5 7 0.50 52 58 -6
Nollner, Dakota
7 D4 D3 V5 D4 D4 D1 D4 D4 D2 V5 V4 V5 D1 V5 5 0.36 51 63 -12
Gopman-Slonim, Mike
8 D2 V5 V5 V5 D4 V5 V5 D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 D4 D1 5 0.36 49 62 -13
Shlimak, Matt
9 D2 V5 V5 D1 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 D3 D4 10 0.71 60 41 +19
Xu, Jason
10 D3 V5 V5 V5 D3 D3 V5 V5 D2 V5 D2 V5 V5 D4 8 0.57 57 50 +7
Henkels, Jacob
11 D1 V5 D4 D2 D4 V5 D4 V5 D0 D3 V5 V5 D1 D2 5 0.36 46 58 -12
Zacharakis, Darius
12 V5 V5 V4 V5 D2 V5 D3 V4 D1 V5 D2 V5 D1 V5 9 0.64 52 51 +1
Zeller, Zachary
13 V5 V5 V5 D3 V5 V5 D3 V5 D1 D3 D4 D2 V5 D4 7 0.50 55 59 -4
Simmons, Ariel
14 D1 V5 V5 V5 D4 V5 V5 V5 V5 D1 V5 V5 D3 D3 9 0.64 57 42 +15
French, Dylan
15 V5 V5 V5 V5 D3 D4 D4 V5 V5 V5 V5 D4 V5 V4 10 0.71 64 49 +15

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Round #2 - DE
Round Seeding
Seed Name Class./Rank Club(s) V V/M TS TR Ind Status
1 Hammarberg, Bryn DUKE  11  0.79  67  50  +17  Advanced
2 Shlimak, Matt UNC  10  0.71  60  41  +19  Advanced
3 French, Dylan ND  10  0.71  64  49  +15  Advanced
4 Simmons, Ariel ND  0.64  57  42  +15  Advanced
5 Zacharakis, Darius ND  0.64  52  51  +1  Eliminated
6 Xu, Jason UNC  0.57  57  50  +7  Eliminated
7 Tasker, Nikhil BC  0.50  54  51  +3  Eliminated
8 Zeller, Zachary ND  0.50  55  59  -4  Eliminated
9 McGinnis, Aidan DUKE  0.50  52  58  -6  Eliminated
10 Mooney, MacGregor BC  0.43  55  55  Eliminated
11 Nollner, Dakota DUKE  0.36  51  63  -12  Eliminated
12 Henkels, Jacob UNC  0.36  46  58  -12  Eliminated
13 Gopman-Slonim, Mike UNC  0.36  49  62  -13  Eliminated
14 Ferrente, Thom BC  0.29  43  60  -17  Eliminated
15 Anderson, Brendon BC  0.14  52  65  -13  Eliminated
DNF Ghazaleh, Connor DUKE            Eliminated
Round Scores
Semi-Finals Finals  
(1) Hammarberg, Bryn
  (4) Simmons, Ariel
(4) Simmons, Ariel
15 - 14 
    (4) Simmons, Ariel
(3) French, Dylan
  15 - 9
Ref:  Watson, Adam   
  (3) French, Dylan
(2) Shlimak, Matt
15 - 9   

Fence-off for Third  
(1) Hammarberg, Bryn
  (1) Hammarberg, Bryn
(2) Shlimak, Matt
15 - 11
Ref:  Frye, Mary   

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Final Results
Event finished at 12:14 PM
Event classification: E1
Place Name Club(s) Class. Earned*
1 Simmons, Ariel ND  E17 
2 French, Dylan ND   
3 Hammarberg, Bryn DUKE   
4 Shlimak, Matt UNC   
5 Zacharakis, Darius ND   
6 Xu, Jason UNC   
7 Tasker, Nikhil BC   
8 Zeller, Zachary ND   
9 McGinnis, Aidan DUKE   
10 Mooney, MacGregor BC   
11 Nollner, Dakota DUKE   
12 Henkels, Jacob UNC   
13 Gopman-Slonim, Mike UNC   
14 Ferrente, Thom BC   
15 Anderson, Brendon BC   
DNF Ghazaleh, Connor DUKE   
*Earned classifications are not official until recorded by the National Office.
The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.